Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Welcome to our PPG page!

Our PPG actively looks to:

– Represent the views of all patients registered with Kidderminster Medical Centre (KMC), by acting as a two – way channel of communication between patients and the practice staff

– Act as a ‘sounding board’ for the Practice to ensure patients’ needs are considered in the development of current and new Practice processes, procedures and systems

– Work with the Practice to encourage, support and promote good health education, health promotion, health care services and practice

– Assist the Practice to address patient concerns about services, processes and systems

– Review and comment upon local and national issues affecting the practice and its patients

Please note the PPG will not act on behalf of any individual in respect of clinical complaints or disciplinary matters involving the practice, nor will they act as an Appeals body. Clinical complaints or disciplinary matters involving the practice are not discussed, either formally or informally, at our meetings as these should be raised directly with the Site Manager, Samantha Burns.

If you would like more information or would like to join the group, please contact us via this link (to be updated)

The practice has an active PPG who act as advisors to the practice clinicians and management on issues concerning the efficient provision of service.

The members of our Committee are – To be updated

 Our PPG meets every two months and details of our next scheduled meeting is shown below –

Our meetings are normally attended by the full PPG Committee, the KMC Site Manager, a GP Partner with other KMC staff and invited specialism guests also attending. If any Kidderminster patients would like to attend one of our meetings, you are welcome to do so as an observer however whilst able to comment within the meeting you will not be eligible to vote on any matter discussed.

The next PPG meeting is Friday 6th September 2024 at 10.00am

Do you have a question for our PPG?

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To establish a system of communication with all the registered patients in the practice so that their views and concerns are fed back into the practice – Patient Participation Group

The information you supply us will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The Data Protection Act 1998 gives you the right to know what information is held about you and sets out rules to make sure that this information is handled properly.